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Essential surgical practice [Book :]basic surgical training / edited by Alfred Cuschieri, Robert J.C. Steele and Abdool Rahim Moossa.

Von: Cuschieri , Alfred.
Mitwirkende(r): Cuschieri, A. (Alfred) | Moossa, A. R | Steele, Robert J.C.
Materialtyp: materialTypeLabelBuchVerlag: London : New York : Arnold ; Oxford University Press, 2001Auflage: 4th ed.Beschreibung: viii, 585 p. : ill. ; 25cm.ISBN: 0340806834 ; 0340806869 (International Students Edition); 0340806869.Schlagwörter: SurgeryDDC-Klassifikation: 617
this book content : surgical biology and pothological examination -- infected patients -- oliguric patients-- the patient with cancer --minimal access therapy.
Zusammenfassung: significant changes in training have occurred as a result of the recommendations published in calman report .
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Books Books 6october
617 C.E (Regal durchstöbern) 1 Verfügbar

Surgery includes index.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

this book content : surgical biology and pothological examination -- infected patients -- oliguric patients-- the patient with cancer --minimal access therapy.

significant changes in training have occurred as a result of the recommendations published in calman report .

All age.

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