Introduction to many body physics / Piers Coleman, Rutgers University, New Jersey.
Von: Coleman, Piers [author.].
Medientyp | Aktueller Standort | Sammlung | Signatur | Exemplarnr. | Status | Fälligkeitsdatum |
![]() |
6october 1104 | كتب المعرض 2016 | 530.41 C I (Regal durchstöbern) | 1 | Verfügbar |
كلية الهندسة
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Scales and complexity -- Quantum fields -- Conserved particles -- Simple examples of second-quantization -- Green's functions -- Landau Fermi liquid theory -- Zero temperature Feynman diagrams -- Finite temperature many-body physics -- Fluctuation dissipation and linear response theory -- Electron transport theory -- Phase transitions and broken symmetry -- Path integrals -- Path integrals and itinerant magnetism -- Superconductivity and BCS theory -- Retardation and anisotrophic pairing -- Local moments and the Kondo effect -- Heavy electrons -- Mixed valence, fluctuations and topology.
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