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Design and ethics : reflections on practice / Edited by Emma Felton, Oksana Zelenko, and Suzi Vaughan.

Von: Felton, Emma.
Mitwirkende(r): Felton, Emma | Zelenko, Oksana | Vaughan, Suzi.
Materialtyp: materialTypeLabelBuchVerlag: London ; New York : Routledge, 2012Beschreibung: xiv, 234 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.ISBN: 9780415688123 (hardback : alk. paper); 0415688124 (hardback : alk. paper); 9780415688130 (pbk. : alk. paper); 0415688132 (pbk. : alk. paper).Weitere Titel: Reflections on practice.Schlagwörter: Design. -- Moral and ethical aspectsDDC-Klassifikation: 174'.97
Framing design and ethics / Oksana Zelenko, Emma Felton -- Design-Ing ethics: the good, the bad and the performative / Stephen Loo -- Design, ethics and group myopia / Leslie F. Becker -- From allure to ethics: design as a 'creative industry' / Justin O'Connor -- Hybridity, hegemony, and design in a globalized economy / Karen Fiss -- Values and pragmatic action: the challenges of engagement with technical communities in support of value-conscious design / Noëmi Manders-Huits, Michael Zimmer -- Designing well: sustain-able interaction design and vegetarianism / Gavin Sade -- Design and ethics in digital mental health promotion / Oksana Zelenko -- Interaction design, mass communication and the challenge of distributed expertise / John Hartley -- Living with strangers: urban space, affect and civility / Emma Felton -- Built environment, design and ethics: the social responsibility of educational Institutions / Paul Sanders, Shannon Satherley, Kuniko Shibata -- Rethinking practice: architecture, ecology and ethics / Marci Webster-Mannison -- Sustainable housing: family experiences with supply chain ethics / Wendy Miller, Laurie Buys -- Fashion, ethics, ethos / Paula Dunlop -- Nourishing or polluting: redefining the role of waste in the fashion system / Alicia Payne -- Looking back, forward and elsewhere: an afterword / Tony Fry.
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Books Books 6october
تزويد بطلب د سيد التونسي 174'.97 F D (Regal durchstöbern) 1 Verfügbar
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070.4 D S Search : 070.5722 R N The newspapers handbook / 070.909051 H N Network journalism 174'.97 F D Design and ethics : 301.16 W M Media sociology : 302.2 C S Semiotics : 302.23 C M Media & society :

سيد التونسي/ كليه الفنون التطبقيه

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Framing design and ethics / Oksana Zelenko, Emma Felton -- Design-Ing ethics: the good, the bad and the performative / Stephen Loo -- Design, ethics and group myopia / Leslie F. Becker -- From allure to ethics: design as a 'creative industry' / Justin O'Connor -- Hybridity, hegemony, and design in a globalized economy / Karen Fiss -- Values and pragmatic action: the challenges of engagement with technical communities in support of value-conscious design / Noëmi Manders-Huits, Michael Zimmer -- Designing well: sustain-able interaction design and vegetarianism / Gavin Sade -- Design and ethics in digital mental health promotion / Oksana Zelenko -- Interaction design, mass communication and the challenge of distributed expertise / John Hartley -- Living with strangers: urban space, affect and civility / Emma Felton -- Built environment, design and ethics: the social responsibility of educational Institutions / Paul Sanders, Shannon Satherley, Kuniko Shibata -- Rethinking practice: architecture, ecology and ethics / Marci Webster-Mannison -- Sustainable housing: family experiences with supply chain ethics / Wendy Miller, Laurie Buys -- Fashion, ethics, ethos / Paula Dunlop -- Nourishing or polluting: redefining the role of waste in the fashion system / Alicia Payne -- Looking back, forward and elsewhere: an afterword / Tony Fry.

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