Shear Behavior of Reinforced Lightweight ConcreteT-Beams / سلوك القص للكمرات الخرسانية المسلحة خفيفة الوزن ذات قطاع على شكل حرف T. HESHAM ABD EL AZIZ ABD EL GHANY AMNA ; Supervised by AMR H. ZAHER,Wael M. Montaser. - Cairo : Ain Shams University, 2018. - 256 p.: ill. ; 26 cm. +1 C.D.

Thesis(m.s)-Ain Shams University.Faculty of Engineering.

Includes bibliographical references (p.;220-222).

Many factors affect the shear behavior of lightweight concrete with polystyrene foam particles (LWC) was experimentally and numerically evaluated in this study. Polystyrene foam is used as lightweight aggregate to produce lightweight structural concrete with unit weight 1800 kg/m3. Also, thesis has experimental and theoretical phases. The experimental program consisted of two phases; namely, determining the LWC mechanical properties and testing six LWC beams. The mechanical properties incorporated the compressive and tensile strength of concrete as well as its elastic modulus. The second phase included testing the LWC beams under two concentrated loads to failure load.
This research program evaluates the shear behavior of lightweight reinforced concrete beams. A total of six reinforced concrete beams (one beam with a rectangular section and five beams with T-beams) were tested under static load conditions. The main variables in the study were flange width and shear span to depth ratio.
Research findings indicate that shear strength of T-beans is higher than the shear strength of the rectangular beams, but presence of flange or increasing it for beams having the same shear span to depth ratio does not significantly have an effect on stirrups contribution, while decreasing shear span to depth ratio for beams having the same flange width have an effect on stirrups contribution.
The thesis also presents a numerical model that evaluates the applicability of finite element method for lightweight concrete T-beams, The analysis was extended to include detailed comparison with the experimental result, also more results estimated from the numerical program and explained in the finite element results after verification the results.
Keywords: LWC behavior, Concrete type, Beam, Foamed concrete, Lightweight, Shear behavior.
تحتوى هذه الرسالة على دراسة عملية لسلوك القص قى الخرسانة الخفيفة تحت تأثير الاحمال المركزة. وقد تم التوصل الى الخرسانى الخفيفة عن طريق الاستبدال الجزئى للركام بفوم البوليسترين، وذلك بهدف خفض الوزن الجاف لوحدة الحجوم لتصل الى 1800 كجم/م3. وقد اشتملت مرحلة الدراسة المعملية شقين رئيسيين وهما دراسى الخواص الميكانيكية للخرسانة الخفيفة ودراسة سلوك القص فى الخرسانة المسلحة خفيفة الوزن حتى الانهيار.

Text in English & Summary in English and Arabic.


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