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Essentials of exercise physiology / William D. McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch.

Von: McArdle, William D.
Mitwirkende(r): Katch, Frank I [author.] | Katch, Victor L [author.].
Materialtyp: materialTypeLabelBuchVerlag: Philadelphia : Wolters Kluwer 2016Auflage: 5th ed.Beschreibung: xx, 702 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.ISBN: 9781496309099 (paperback : international edition); 149630909X (paperback : international edition).Schlagwörter: Exercise -- Physiological aspects | Exercise -- physiology | Physical Fitness -- physiology | Sports MedicineDDC-Klassifikation: 612.044 Online-Ressourcen: Publisher description
Origins of exercise physiology : foundations for the field of study -- Macronutrients and micronutrients -- Food energy and optimum nutrition for exercise -- Nutritional and pharmacologic aids to performance -- Fundamentals of human energy transfer -- Human energy transfer during exercise -- Measuring and evaluating human energy-generating capacities during exercise -- Energy expenditure during rest and physical activity -- The pulmonary system and exercise -- The cardiovascular system and exercise -- The neuromuscular system and exercise -- Hormones, exercise, and training -- Training the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems -- Training muscles to become stronger -- Factors affecting physiologic function : the environment and special aids to performance -- Body composition, obesity, and weight control -- Physical activity, exercise, successful aging, and disease prevention -- Clinical aspects of exercise physiology.
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Books Books 6october
تزويد بطلب د سيد التونسي 612.044 M E (Regal durchstöbern) 1 Verfügbar
Books Books 6october
معرض الكتاب2018 612.044 M E (Regal durchstöbern) 2 Verfügbar

Victor L. Katch's name appears first in the previous edition.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Origins of exercise physiology : foundations for the field of study -- Macronutrients and micronutrients -- Food energy and optimum nutrition for exercise -- Nutritional and pharmacologic aids to performance -- Fundamentals of human energy transfer -- Human energy transfer during exercise -- Measuring and evaluating human energy-generating capacities during exercise -- Energy expenditure during rest and physical activity -- The pulmonary system and exercise -- The cardiovascular system and exercise -- The neuromuscular system and exercise -- Hormones, exercise, and training -- Training the anaerobic and aerobic energy systems -- Training muscles to become stronger -- Factors affecting physiologic function : the environment and special aids to performance -- Body composition, obesity, and weight control -- Physical activity, exercise, successful aging, and disease prevention -- Clinical aspects of exercise physiology.

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